Good Morning Ellie!
I am glad my blog encompasses the weekend of Easter, as it
truly was another Memory Keeper!
It is not in just your actions
anymore El, but in what you say also!
Final Thought: Holidays bring out the best smiles,
family fun, interesting conversations and wonderful memories!
Well Little Miss Ellie-bean, our
Easter weekend (Friday) started off on a typical and very familiar note… a
strong discussion between you and your Mommy on “Yes, you are going to wear
your Easter dress for the portrait” and “No, I am not going to wear that dress
at all!” So off we drove to
Altoona with fancy clothes in bag and a huge bribe that all you had to do was
put the dress and shoes on for 5 minutes and you could take them right back off
again. Sounds reasonable? Your Mommy and I thought so. You? Nope. When we got to the photo session, we had you put the dress
on (which was a whole size larger than you actually wear knowing that you don’t
like anything tight) and within 30 seconds you began with the familiar “this dress
is tooooo tight, it itches, I don’t want to wear it, and my shoes are too tight
too” (even though they were a size bigger also!). More bribes came and we were able to sit you down in front
of the camera but at the expense of tears and a blotchy face, oh and with your
brother Will… who by the way couldn’t stop smiling. Out of a dozen shots, we did get “one” that turned out.

I pretty much giggled silently through
the whole ordeal because I remembered a time many, many years ago when your
Mommy had done the same thing.
Only then I had your Great-Aunt Phyllis with me who had done everything
in her power less stand on her head to get your Mommy to stop crying and smile
just one time for the camera! Oh Ellie what we adults do for a
“perfect picture” when in reality the “perfect” is in a regular moment. After all photos were taken I had to
honor one of the bribes, which was to take you into the middle of the mall and
let you ride the Easter train.
Seeing the Easter Bunny sitting so nicely not too far away prompted me to
ask you a question and your response was priceless. Here was our conversation Ellie.
Mimi: “Ellie…
Ellie: “Yes
Mimi: “I know
Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, but no one ever told me where the Easter
Bunny lives. Do you know?”
Ellie: “That is
an excellent question Mimi. I will
tell you.”
Mimi: “Why
thank you.”
Ellie: “The
Easter Bunny just hops around all day long every day.”
Mimi: “How do
you know that?”
Ellie: “I just
do. And I think that there
is a human being in that bunny.”
Mimi: “A real
human being?”
Ellie: “Yep. He’s got a costume on.”
Mimi: “Oh, I
didn’t know that either! Wellllll….
But what about the bunny rabbit that comes and hides eggs and Easter baskets in
our houses when we are sleeping?”
Ellie: “Wellllll…
It’s the human being in that costume.
He comes into your house and hides the eggs then leaves.”
Mimi: “Hmmm…
Interesting. That’s another thing
I didn’t know.”
Ellie: “Yea.”
Mimi: “But then
where does he go when he is all done?”
Ellie: “Oh he
just hops away.”
(You, my little one, are truly a deeper thinker than your
actual 4 years of age!)
On Saturday Poppy and I watched you and Will participate in
the annual VFW Easter egg hunt.
Well, Will’s participation was pretty much just sitting on the Easter
Bunny’s lap for a picture.
however, with homemade bucket in hand were ready to dash around and find as
many eggs as you could that were hidden underneath the hay. Apparently there was one golden egg
worthy of a special prize, but you didn’t care.
In your eyes Ellie, it was all about finding as many eggs as
you could and by what was in your bucket I would say you hit the jackpot! Your Mommy took you on another egg hunt
(a much larger one) in the afternoon but I did not go along. Good thing too because when your Mommy
called, she said it was insanity!
Something tells me that that particular egg hunt will not be on next
years’ agenda!
And then we come to Easter Sunday. Our faith reminds us Ellie of what a glorious day Easter is,
and I couldn’t agree more. Poppy
and I met you, your Daddy, Mommy and Will at church (Uncle Ryan and Aunt Sammy
could not meet us as they had a very bad case of the flu. We did miss them very much throughout
the day). But back to church, I
love how you are picking up the words to more of the churches hymns and singing
them a few notes higher now! And
no, you did NOT wear either of your beautiful Easter dresses, but chose a more
comfy knit dress along with your pink light-up crocks instead! You also shook a record “5” hands
during the “Peace be with you” part of Mass and did it with an actual smile
too! I forgot to mention that
right before mass your Mommy told me about yours and Will’s Easter morning and
how much fun you all had finding eggs and the surprises that were hidden inside
(and just like Christmas morning, you were ready to get up and start the day at
2:30 am! Your mommy and daddy were
not!). Apparently the Easter Bunny
hid your basket really good as it was in the coat closet which you could not
find… even with your Mom prompting
you where to look, and even with you hitting your head on its doorknob! I can only imagine that the morning
at your house must have produced lots of giggles and much excitement when you
found your plastic eggs filled with jellie-beans, money and your favorite
flavored Chapsticks! After church El,
we did not meet up with you again until the middle of the afternoon when you
and your family came over to our house for an Easter dinner. The best was, apparently “that human
being in a bunny costume” left a dozen eggs and Easter Bags for you to find
here also. The egg hunt was fun
because the bunny left notes in each room as to how many eggs you were to look

And the bag hunt was equally
as fun because when you found it and what you call a Hooli-Hoop in the bathtub, outside to play is where you wanted to

Right before dinner you came
back inside to open all the plastic eggs.
I think your favorite treasures were the body glitter, the Miss Kitty
watch, the chocolate coins and the puddy glitter. I know the puddy glitter was not your Mommy’s favorite
treasure because a little someone (meaning you Ellie) got a glob of it stuck in
your hair. How you did that I
don’t know… but what I do know now is that puddy glitter is just like gum. If you get it in your hair, scissors is
its only removal! Luckily your
mommy was able to cut the glob of puddy hair out without leaving a bald
spot! Whewwwww… I know a human being Easter bunny that would not
be in good graces if that didn’t end well! Ellie-bean you always make me giggle. The day was a perfect one as are all my
days with you. God has blessed me greatly
Ellie and to Him I make sure to say
thank you everyday.
You are and always will be my little jEllie-bean!
Love Mimi